Avada Theme Customization Specialists

Frequently asked questions

Browse F.A.Q. Topics

Services and Fees

  • When are payments due?
    Payments are due upon receipt of our invoice. We send invoices via email to the email address on file that we received via our inquiry form when the service was first requested. In order to keep our prices competitive, we do ask that our clients promptly pay all fees owed to us when they receive our invoice. If there is a question or dispute concerning the invoice, please contact us immediately so we can resolve the matter. If you need any other considerations, please make them known before we start any work for you. We will do our best to work with you.
  • What forms of payments do you accept?
    Unless otherwise agreed to before work begins, Theme Surgeons LLC only accepts payment via PayPal, in full,  in dollars U.S. for all services rendered. For your convenience, we partner with PayPal who handles both our invoicing and payment processing. PayPal accepts all major credit cards along with electronic checks, and they do not require you to have an account with them to pay for our services unless you prefer to have one. All PayPal transactions are secure, fast, and convenient. To find out more about PayPal payments, please visit their web site at: https://www.paypal.com/

WordPress Optimizations

  • Do you offer a money back satisfaction guarantee for optimizations?
    Yes. If you are not completely satisfied with our work, we will refund your fee as follows:
    • If you cancel the service before we have started the service we will refund 100% of the optimization fee.
    • If you cancel the service after we have started the working on the site, and we have been given an opportunity to resolve any issues you find that are related to our work, we will refund all but $15.00 of the optimization fee.
    • Please note that we guarantee our optimizations for a period of one year from the date the service is completed, so long as no major changes to the site have occurred. Major changes are defined here as changing themes, hosting services, and adding or removing plugins that significantly impact how your page loads, displays, or functions.
  • How do I order my own WordPress Optimization and how much does it cost?
    If you're ready to see your WordPress site loading lightning fast and optimized using best practices, congratulations! We are ready to help you achieve your goals. The current fee for the optimization service is $255.00 USD for a single WordPress site. Please contact us directly for a quote if you need an optimization done for a WordPress Multisite Network. You can order the service by completing the secured Premium WordPress Optimization service order, or click the button below!
    WordPress Optimization Order Form
    Once we receive the order and your payment in full, we will schedule the service within 24 hours Monday - Saturday.
  • Can you guarantee Pagespeed Insight and/or YSlow scores of XX or higher?
    Our goal is to ensure your Pagespeed scores are A to A+. YSlow scores are not a metric we find as important, but we still work to make them as high as possible. High YSlow scores normally require the use of a  CDN. If your site needs use of a CDN we will recommend that. The bottom line is that our first goal is always page loading speed, and then overall test scores.
  • Can you guarantee that my site pages will load in under X.x seconds?
    No. It wouldn't be honest for us to claim we can always meet some arbitrary number. Our goal is to get your site pages loading in under 2.0 seconds as a baseline, and our target is always 1.5 seconds or less. We have nearly always met or exceeded that that goal. But, there are variables we can't control, such as DNS connection speeds, web server power and configurations, network performance, number of external GET requests, and many other factors. What we do promise is that we will always use every means at our disposal to make your site as fast as we can possibly make it, and we will explain to you in detail the steps required to meet your specific goals.
  • Are there times when you can’t optimize a WordPress site?
    Yes. Some sites are simply not ready for a optimization. Poor hosting environments, shared hosting plans that are under-resourced for a site, and poor DNS performance are the most common obstacles to completing the service. If we find that your site needs attention in those or other areas before we can optimize it we will report our findings and recommendations. If necessary, we will refund all but $15.00 of your optimization fee. That fee helps cover the costs of evaluating and reporting. This is very uncommon, but we want you to be satisfied with our services, and it's better to stop and address other factors than to forge ahead and end up with a less than optimal outcome.
  • How long does the WordPress Optimization take?
    We can normally complete your WordPress Optimization in about three to four hours. Some sites take longer depending on complexity and hosting factors. We keep you informed throughout the process.
  • What is included in the Premium WordPress Optimization service?
    • Initial site evaluation and testing
    • Full backup of site files and data
    • Installation of either W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache plugins
    • Set correct order of styles and scripts where possible
    • Additional Theme Surgeons speed rule sets and settings
    • Lossless image compression of up to 500 images
    • Post optimization testing
    • 24-48 hour follow-up for tweaks if necessary
    • Bi-annual checkup and adjustments
    • Recommendations for keeping your site secure and fast
    • Satisfaction guaranteed